Many developers use MacOS on their daily basis. With our Docker background, we’ve mainly focused on Linux support. That is about to change, MacOS is…
Tag: docker
In a previous blog post we explained how to host an EmberJS application in nginx with a backend API. First, we had to build the…
The stack relies on Docker as it perfectly suites a microservice architecture. We don’t only use it for deployment, but also for development. By…
docker-compose applications consist, in the back end, of microservices. Those microservices are docker containers that run a lightway server framework and offer logic on certain…
Since microservices are one of the core components of the architecture, we pay a lot of attention to making the development of a microservice…
The framework is the ideal playground for the developer that wants to try a new language. Using the standards set out by the framework…
The microservices are one of the core components of the architecture. Each microservice has its own responsibility, providing a tiny part of the application’s functionality…
Developing using Docker has many benefits, like ensuring your builds always build in the same way and ensuring a consistent way of installation. Although the…